Adair County
OATS Transit & Kirk-Tran is available to anyone regardless of age, income,
disability, race, gender, religion, or national origin.
To schedule a ride in Adair County, call 660-415-0901 or 800-654-6287.
Reservations are taken from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm (next-day service must be requested by 1:00 pm).
Service to Kirksville & Kirksville In-Town (OATS Transit):
$2.00 for in-town riders*
$3.00 for county service*
$4.00 going to an adjacent county*
​Seniors aged 60+ and individuals with disabilities riding under the AAA contract do not have a set fare but are asked to contribute a minimum amount for their rides.
City of Kirksville Service (Kirk-Tran operated by OATS Transit):
Kirk-Tran Demand Response Route:​
Monday - Friday
$3.00 for a one-way trip within city limits.*
$4.00 for a one-way trip outside city limits.*
Anyone within a 15-mile radius of Kirksville can ride.
Kirk-Tran Deviated Fixed Route:
Deviated means that in addition to boarding the bus at the stops listed below, passengers who cannot get to a bus stop can request to be picked up and dropped off up to ¾ of a mile off the bus route. The pickup and drop-off locations will be at the curb. Reservations must be made in advance (at least a day before) by calling 800-654-6287. The route repeats the schedule listed below each hour.
Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
$3.00 each time you board *
$20 punch passes are available for purchase at Kirksville City Hall or from a Deviated Fixed Route driver.
Kirk-Tran Route Stops (Repeated Every Hour):
7:00 a.m. — Kirksville Gardens Apartments
7:02 a.m. — R.A.I.L. (1100 S Jamison)
7:05 a.m. — Sheraton Square Apartments
7:08 a.m. — Hy-Vee Food & Drug
7:11 a.m. — Village 76/Kirksville Housing Authority
7:14 a.m. — 1506 Crown Drive
7:17 a.m. — Fjeld Arms Apartments
7:21 a.m. — Walmart
7:25 a.m. — Aldi
7:28 a.m. — Family Services/Voc. Rehab Offices (1612 N Osteopathy)
7:32 a.m. — Traveler's Apartments
7:35 a.m. — Gutensohn Clinic
7:38 a.m. — St. Andrew’s Apartments
7:40 a.m. — Michigan Street/Sheltered Workshop
7:43 a.m. — Truman State University/Franklin and Randolph
7:45 a.m. — Preferred Family Healthcare (LaHarpe Campus)
7:47 a.m. — Kirksville Heights Apartments
7:49 a.m. — Diner 54
7:51 a.m. — High Hope Employment Services (906 East Shepherd)
7:54 a.m. — Adair County SB 40 Office (1107 Country Club)
​Times may vary by 10 minutes before or after scheduled time so be at the stops 10 minutes before times listed above. ​​
InterCity Express Route Service to Columbia:
InterCity Express Routes can connect you with other modes of transportation such as Amtrak, airports and other city bus services
Service along Hwy 63 to Columbia
Appointments must be between 10 am – 2 pm
$10.00 round trip*
$1.00 fee for each en-route stop*
Riders are asked to meet the Intercity Express bus at the established pickup points; however, the bus will deviate off the route up to 5 miles to pick up people who cannot get to the pickup points.
Pickup Points:
Kirksville - Junction 63 & 11 HyVee Parking Lot
Lancaster – First Baptist Church Parking Lot
La Plata - Dollar General on N. Brown Street
*Drivers no longer accept payment from riders on the bus. Riders can add funds to their account before riding and each time you ride the fare will be withdrawn. When calling to add funds to your account a minimum amount of $10.00 is required. You can send a personal check, money order or cashier’s check to the OATS Transit office if you do not want to pay by credit/debit card.​