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Picture of an OATS Transit bus

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides policy direction, guidance, and fiduciary

direction for the organization. Board of Director meetings are

held six times a year at the Home Office in Columbia, MO. 



A picture of Darleen Rapp


Darleen Rapp

A picture of Jeff Leeman


Jeff Leeman

A picture of Tammy Nadler


Tammy Nadler

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Past President

Scott Kosky

A picture of Patricia Mefford
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A picture of Rex Scott
A picture of John Greisheimer

Mel Sundermeyer

Patty Mefford

Rex Scott

John Griesheimer

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A picture of Essence Montgomery

Julie Rodgers

Essence Montgomery

A picture of Stacey Steffens
A picture of Andrew Warlen

Stacey Steffens

Andrew Warlen

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Terry Combs.JPG

Brian Williams

Terry Combs

Picture of an OATS Transit bus

Executive Team

The Executive Team leads the overall direction of the company by providing strategic and operational leadership.  They set company goals, develop strategies, and ensure strategies are executed effectively.

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Executive Director

Dorothy Yeager

Picture of Jill Stedem

Administrative Director

Jill Stedem

Picture of Steve Durben

Finance Director

Steve Durben

Headshot of Dion Knipp

Operations Director

Dion Knipp

Picture of Kim Wood

HR Director

Kim Wood

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IT Director

Steve Weekley

Picture of an OATS Transit bus

Regional Directors

Regional Directors oversee the delivery of transit services in a set area. OATS Transit is divided into eight regions. They play a key role in community development, daily operations, managerial accountability of region operations and financial management of the region.

Picture of Pam Knox

Pam Knox

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Michael Burbank

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Tracy Walkup

Langley, Beth_edited.jpg

Beth Langley

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Frazier, Rene_2024_cmyk.jpg

Rene Frazier

Sheree Webb

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