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Four New Members Added to OATS Board of Directors


Four new members have recently been appointed to the OATS Transit Board of Directors. Angie Crowder of Moberly, Jeff Lee­man of Sedalia, Stacey Steffens of Alma and Tammy Nadler of Clinton are newest member to join the statewide Board of Directors. They were sworn into office at the regular board meeting on May 26.

  • Angie Crowder is a Medical So­cial Worker for DCI, Inc. She has been a strong supporter of OATS Transit working tirelessly to ensure DCI clients have rides to their week­ly treatments throughout many counties that OATS Transit serves. Angie also serves on the Board of the Central Missouri Kidney Association and the Hallsville Commu­nity Development Association.

  • Jeff Leeman is a Certified Network En­gineer who owned and operated JL Computer Technologies until he retired in 2008. Currently, Jeff serves as 1st Ward Councilman for the City of Sedalia. He is also a long-time member of the Midwest Regional Bank Board of Directors. Jeff served in the US Air Force from 1972-1981.

  • Stacey Steffens is the Administrator at The Living Center at Fitzgibbon Hospital, which is a nursing home in Marshall. OATS Transit provides transportation for a number of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the state, including The Living Center. Stacey volunteers her time with Fitzgibbon Hospital and Trinity Lutheran Church and School.

  • Tammy Nadler is the Chief Finance Officer at Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare. 62% of OATS Tran­sit service in Henry County is for medical appointments, in which the Hospital plays an important role. Tammy has 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry.

OATS Transit has been governed by a volunteer Board of Directors since the company started in 1971. The Board is made up of volunteer members from across the state of Missouri. Headquartered in Columbia MO, OATS Transit is a not-for-profit corporation providing specialized transportation for senior citizens, people with disabilities and the rural general public. For more information about OATS Transit, please follow us on


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