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Message to the Public: OATS Transit’s Coronavirus Preparedness


OATS Transit provides vital transportation services to some of the most vulnerable population in Missouri. We are diligently working to ensure the safety of our riders and drivers while on board our buses. We understand that people may be feeling anxiety and concern about the safety of public transit and we are taking this very seriously. We are operating as usual at the moment, but will follow the guidance of public health officials. We encourage anyone who is sick, to please stay home. Our top priorities are to continue service to the public and to keep our employees and riders healthy and safe. Thank you for assisting us to help prevent the spread of illness.

At OATS Transit, we are:

  • Sharing information with staff and riders on how to stay healthy.

  • Following Federal Department of Transportation protocol and guidelines to ensure the safety of our riders and staff.

  • Working with our partnering hospitals, nursing homes, senior centers, and others to follow their policies on access to their facilities as they progress.

  • Strengthening our cleaning efforts on our buses to lessen the spread of germs

  • Reviewing our cleaning protocol to ensure they are adequate.

  • Working with our driving staff to ensure they are safe.

The safety of the public and our employees is a top priority for us. We will continue to update everyone should transportation be impacted.


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