(Kirksville, MO January 212, 2021) – OATS Transit is pleased to announce the Kirk-Tran Deviated-Fixed Route in Kirksville will resume service starting on Monday, February 1, 2021. The route has not been running since Spring 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. When service resumes, face masks will be required to ride the bus.
Kirk-Tran is made possible by partial funding from the City of Kirksville and other funding sources. The deviated route runs Monday thru Thursday 7am to 6pm; Friday 7am to 9pm, and Saturday 9am to 9pm. You can find a list of all 20 stops along the route online at www.oatstransit.org/adair. Cost is $2.00 each time a passenger boards the bus. Riders that are unable to get to the designated stops can request a pick-up up to ¾ of a mile off the bus route by calling 800-654-6287 at least 24 hours in advance.
Kirk-Tran is operated by OATS Transit, which is a non-profit transportation provider serving rural residents of any age, senior citizens, and individuals with disabilities in Missouri. Follow OATS Transit at Facebook.com/oatstransit. Residents of Northeast Missouri can call the OATS Transit office at 800-654-6287 about OATS Transit’s other service, including the Intercity Express that runs weekdays from Kirksville to Columbia.
“Enhancing quality of life by providing safe, caring & reliable transportation services.”