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OATS Transit Mid-MO Region Announces Change to Fares & Fare Collecting System


(Columbia, MO May 24, 2023) OATS Transit’s Mid-Mo Region Office in Columbia, MO has announced that they will stop accepting cash payments on their buses effective July 1, 2023. The areas affected by this change include Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Howard, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, and Pulaski counties in Missouri.

Starting in July 2023, Mid-Mo Region drivers will no longer handle cash payments from riders. Instead, riders can add funds to their account in advance, and fares will be withdrawn each time a rider boards the bus. Riders can call 888-875-6287 to add funds to their account, which requires a minimum of $10 each time. Riders can also send personal checks, money orders, or cashier’s checks prior to riding the bus by mail to: OATS Transit, 2501 Maguire Blvd, Ste 103, Columbia MO 65201.

Additionally, fares for all general public riders will be standardized at $2.00 per one-way ride regardless of origin or destination. We are doing away with each area having a different fare structure and instead, all 15 counties listed above will be the same fare structure.

This change is necessary to ensure faster loading times, safety of our drivers, and convenience of our riders. Rider fares help us maintain current levels of service and directly impact the company’s operating budget. Schedules and fare information can be found online at; click on the bus schedules tab, then the county you live in. Area residents wanting to schedule rides should call the local office at 573-449-3789 or 800-269-6287

OATS, Inc. (dba OATS Transit) is a private, not-for-profit corporation providing specialized transportation for rural residents of any age, seniors, and individuals with disabilities in 87 Missouri counties. OATS Transit is the largest and most unique transportation provider of its kind in the country. For more information about OATS Transit, please visit, and follow us at

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