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OATS Transit Northwest Region Announces Change in Fares


(St. Joesph, MO January 2, 2024) OATS Transit’s regional office in St. Joseph, MO has announced a fare change for residents in Northwest Missouri. Effective February 1, 2024, fares for rural service will increase to $2 each way.


Rider fares help us maintain current levels of service and directly impact the company’s operating budget.  Fares are being standardized at $2.00 per one-way ride regardless of origin or destination. All 18 counties listed are affected by this change including Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Putnam, Sullivan, and Worth counties in Missouri. 


As a reminder, drivers do not handle cash payments from riders. Instead, riders can add funds to their account in advance, and fares are withdrawn each time a rider boards the bus. Riders can add funds to their account, which requires a minimum of $10 each time. Residents wanting to schedule rides should call the local office at 816-279-3131 or 800-831-9219.


Fares for the Schedules and fare information can be found online at; click on the bus schedules tab, then the county you live in.  OATS Transit is a private, not-for-profit corporation providing specialized transportation for rural residents of any age, seniors, and individuals with disabilities in 87 Missouri counties. For more information about OATS Transit follow us on Facebook @oatstransit.




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