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OATS Transit offers free fares for Camden County seniors


(Columbia, MO January 22, 2021) OATS Transit is pleased to announce free fares for Camden County seniors thanks to a grant from the Camden County Senior Citizen’s Services Fund Board. The Fund Board makes grants available to agencies offering programs and services to area seniors.

The free fares will apply to seniors in Camden County age 60+ for routes running within the county; it does not apply to long-distance routes outside the county. Daily service is available within Camden County for medical appointments, work, shopping and business errands. The deviated-fixed route runs weekdays from Camdenton to Osage Beach. Deviated means the bus will deviate off the route up to one mile for those who cannot get to the bus stop due to limited mobility. Buses are wheelchair accessible, but please make sure to let them know when you schedule to ensure seating availably. Individuals wanting to schedule a ride should call the OATS Transit office at 573-346-9986, 24-48 hours in advance.

OATS Transit is a private, not-for-profit corporation providing specialized transportation to the rural general public, individuals with disabilities and senior citizens. For information and schedules please visit the website at, and follow them at OATS Transit is proudly celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

“Enhancing quality of life by providing safe, caring & reliable transportation services.”



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