OATS Transit has partnered with the Developmental Disability Advocates (DDA) for more than two decades to provide rides to individuals with developmental disabilities in Jefferson County. This year, DDA provided $1.28 million to OATS Transit to serve 150 riders each day and transport them to work at sheltered workshops, or to various community resources such as shopping and activities. DDA also provides bus match dollars as needed, which helps our organization purchase new buses.
The main workshop locations that riders go to include Jeffco Subcontracting Inc. and Next Steps for Life in the Jefferson County Missouri area. Request-a-ride service provides daily demand-response transportation to eligible clients for medical appointments, education, employment, nutrition, shopping, and leisure activities in Jefferson County. OATS Transit is very valuable to the community because these workshops would struggle to get employees to work each day without safe and reliable transportation.
DDA is one of about 85 senate bill 40 boards in the state which are funded by tax levies within the county. The mission of Developmental Disabilities Advocates is to provide resources to create opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities in Jefferson County to live full and enriched lives. It is through our partnership with DDA that we ensure their clients get to work or out in the community.
