OATS Transit, a Missouri based not-for-profit transportation provider, is pleased to have received a $13,000 donation from the Allen P. & Josephine B. Green Foundation. The funds donated by the Foundation will be used toward the purchase of a new vehicle for service in the Mexico MO area.
OATS Transit provide rides to work, medical appointments, essential shopping, nutrition and other needs to individuals of all ages. “We are grateful that Foundations like the Allen P. & Josephine B. Green Foundation are dedicated to giving back to the community,” said Gary Anspach, Mid-Missouri Regional Director. “We depend on the support of local businesses, agencies and foundations to help us continue to be there for those who need us,” added Anspach.
Audrain County residents seeking a ride should call OATS Transit at 800-269-6287. The local schedule for OATS Transit can be found on the website at www.oatstransit.org/audrain; and follow them at facebook.com/oatstransit. OATS Transit is also accepting applications for local drivers and you can apply on the company website.
“Enhancing quality of life by providing safe, caring & reliable transportation services.”
Photo: Gary Anspach, Mid-Missouri Regional Director Receiving Grant Check from A.P. Green Foundation