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OATS Transit Receives Grant Funds from Franklin County Area United Way


(Union, Missouri, January 19, 2024) – OATS Transit, a Missouri based not-for-profit transportation provider, announced today that it has received grant funds from the Franklin County Area United Way to help support public transportation in their county.


This week OATS Transit was awarded $55,500 to be used toward the purchase of new buses in Franklin County. 


OATS Transit provides transportation for work, medical appointments and essential shopping to many Franklin County residents who have no other method of getting around in the community. Last year, the company provided service for 340 Franklin County residents. Each year, OATS Transit provides one million rides statewide.


Franklin County Area United Way Executive Director, Kelli Schulte, had this to say about OATS Transit’s selection: “Franklin County Area United Way is happy to allocate more funding this year, which resulted in a slight increase over last year’s funding to OATS. OATS plays a crucial role in providing transportation services, especially for older adults and individuals with disabilities. This increase in funding can contribute to enhancing their services and reaching more people in need. Having this organization in our County is making a significant positive impact on the lives of individuals.”


“We are very grateful to the Franklin County Area United Way for this grant, which allows us to match our federal grants with local funds,” said Michael Burbank, Mideast Regional Director of OATS Transit. “The funds will stay directly in Franklin County to help local residents get to places they need to go,” added Burbank.  


For more information about OATS Transit or the schedule for Franklin County please visit the website at  The company is also in need of more drivers in the county for anyone looking to start a new career. Area residents wanting to schedule rides should call the local office at 636-583-1125.


Pictured is Michael Burbank, OATS Transit Regional Director on the left with members of the Franklin County Area United Way during one of their site visits. 




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