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OATS Transit Receives Grant Funds from Jefferson Foundation


OATS Transit, a Missouri-based not-for-profit transportation provider, announced today that it has received grant funds from the Jefferson Foundation to help support service in Jefferson County MO.   


This week OATS Transit was awarded $100,000 to help provide rides in Jefferson County, plus $90,000 which will be used to purchase two new minivans for county service.  The two new minivans are expected to arrive in the first quarter of 2024 and will be put into service in Jefferson County.


OATS Transit provides transportation for work, medical appointments, and essential shopping to many Jefferson County residents who have no other method of getting around in the community. Last year, the company provided 57,236 trips to 340 Jefferson County residents.


“The Jefferson Foundation is excited to be able to partner with OATS Transit to provide transportation services in Jefferson County, said Melissa Endres, Executive Vice President of the Jefferson Foundation.  “The service provided by OATS Transit is key in helping people get to medical appointments and employment and we are fortunate to have them in our community” added Endres.


“We are very grateful to the Jefferson Foundation for this grant, which allows us to match our federal grants with local funds,” said Dorothy Yeager, Executive Director of OATS Transit. “The funds will stay directly in Jefferson County to help local residents get to places they need to go,” added Yeager.  


For more information about OATS Transit or the schedule for Jefferson County please visit the website at  The company is also in need of more drivers in the county for anyone looking to start a new career. Area residents wanting to schedule rides should call the local office at 636-933-9380.



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