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OATS Transit receives grants from Community Foundation of the Ozarks


(Columbia, Missouri, January 8, 2021) – OATS Transit, a Missouri based not-for-profit transportation provider, announce that they have received two grants from the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. The grants were part of the AmerenCares COVID-19 Relief Funds. $5,000 was awarded for services in Gasconade County, and $5,000 for Camden, Miller & Morgan counties. Both grants were awarded to support transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities in the designated counties.

OATS Transit provides transportation for work, medical appointments, essential shopping, nutrition and other needs to individuals with disabilities, seniors, and rural residents of any age. Our transportation programs are vital to the Missouri economy, and help local residents live independently in their own communities.

“Thanks to the Community Foundation of the Ozarks and AmerenCares these grants allow us to match our federal grants with local dollars,” said Dion Knipp, Mid-Missouri Regional Director at OATS Transit. “We are grateful to the Community Foundation for their continued support so we can continue being there for those who need us,” added Knipp.

For more information about OATS Transit please visit the website at and follow them at Mid-Missouri residents wanting to schedule a ride should call the OATS Transit office at 800-269-6287 or 573-449-3789.

Photo: OATS Transit Drivers Donna Thomassen Larry Thomas & Nicole Eidson

“Enhancing quality of life by providing safe, caring & reliable transportation services.”



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